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Incest AWARE

The Incest AWARE Alliance includes a number of therapists prepared to guide you or your family's recovery journeys from incest abuse. Please, reach out to a therapist licensed in your state below. 


If you're a therapist who would like to become Incest AWARE, please, reach out to Jo. below.


*Please, note that all therapists represent themselves and their organizations, not Incest AWARE. We simply gather all anti-incest therapists onto one page for ease of accessibility. 

Incest AWARE Therapists

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Brinn Langdale 

Brinn Langdale is a sibling sexual abuse survivor, a California licensed therapist, writer, speaker and host of the Wholistic Approach to Healing podcast. She’s also the founder of Wholistic Approach, a transformational coaching program focused on healing the whole you.

California State

Washington State

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Mary Knight, MSW

Washington State native Mary Knight, MSW, experienced various forms of child sex trafficking, sometimes in her own home. Her parents were her pimps. Now Knight's life is filled with safety, love, joy, and children. Happily married, she is a child advocate, a foster parent, and a grandmother. Her personal documentary Am I Crazy? My journey to determine if my memories are true and other films have been viewed over a million times on various channels, including on her own YouTube channel. She recently published a unique survivor memoir, with essays that range from heartwarming to brutal. Individual trigger warnings (TW) allow readers to practice self-care. Mary is licensed to practice therapy in WA state and is open to new survivors

and family clients seeking to heal from incest abuse.

A therapists helps a family incest survivor.

Learn how to prevent family incest, as well as the causes and consequences of sexual abuse in families.

Heal after family incest

Learn how to heal after family incest and connect to organizations to support you in your journey.

Support a family incest survivor.

Learn how to support a family incest survivor through crisis, intervention, and recovery.

Connect with community to end family incest.

Connect with a community leading a movement seeking to end sexual abuse in families.

Incest AWARE Resources

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